About Doxastic
Hi! My name is Éder Navacerrada, and since 2003, I have logged several thousand hours in aerial work, actively involved in Safety Management and Flight Operations. Tail-wheel aircraft, seaplanes, aerobatics, firefighting, crop spraying, and parachuting, remain as my favorite activities.
I have crossed the Atlantic on a single-engine aircraft more times than I can remember, making more than 1000,000 miles cross-country and overseas around the world. Day and night, using routes and conditions similar to those used by our aviation pioneers in the 20s and 30 of the last century; Captains Jimenez and Iglesias in the Breguet, or Amelia Earheart in the Lockheed Vega.
I have performed more than a thousand parachute jumps, being my preferred activity wingsuit flying, and hundreds of safe BASE jumps, in a dozen different countries, from 75 different objects, participating and winning several international competitions. During these years, I have survived environments considered hostile by our society, having numerous “oops” (controllable micro errors) but not one “ouch” (serious accidents – touch wood), all combined with the responsibilities of family life.
But I still can die tomorrow. I’m not immortal! You could be reading this, and I might not even be able to reply from this world. Who knows!
The crucial aspect lies not in assessing based on a single event but in evaluating the system and methodology over an extended duration. The pivotal factor for sustained success, preserving equilibrium between passion and responsibility, cannot purely rely on luck amidst numerous and prolonged events. It pertains more to a distinct perspective strongly shaped by the concept of “Doxastic Safety.”
Safety defies a simplistic binary classification. It’s not merely good or bad, dangerous or safe. Nor can it be neatly encapsulated within a red, yellow, and green trichromatic spectrum.
Safety goes way beyond; it’s a life philosophy.

Doxastic Safety is founded on a few well defined core principles

Depending on the activity and task to be carried out,
individuals must possess a series of characteristics and skills to cope with
the activity in a safe and efficient manner. Some skills can be learned
during any phase of life. Other skills are learned as part of a joint plan
working on both fine and gross motor skills, along with activities encouraging multiple
intelligence at an early stage. Otherwise, the older, the harder.Therefore, background
and learning capabilities should be thoroughly assessed when getting people
onboard for any project where performance and safety matter.

The opposite of fragile is not robust, it is anti-fragile. Something that simply resists a certain stress or volatility is robust. Something that is strengthened from that same stress or volatility is anti-fragile. What does not kill you makes you stronger.

The dose makes the poison. It is not safer who is less exposed, quite the contrary, it is safer who does more, who more and better trains, and who is exposed consciously and competently, to an optimal amount of stressors.

The intensity and frequency of training, together with the environment, are determining variables in the progress equation. Sometimes, it will be necessary to train or perform at a high intensity and sometimes at lower intensity, sometimes very frequently, and sometimes it will be necessary to take a good rest to recover both phisically and mentally. The environment should vary to generate a healthy discomfort. While performing Aerial Firefighting, as an example, it means not lending ourselves to always work in the same area, for short-term comfort, nor to perform under linear standards. During a period of 20 water scoops and drops, 18 would be standard, at 50% ish of maximum performance, but at least in a couple of them it is necessary to yield at 80-90%. Performing to the maximum continuously, kills, but yielding to the minimum continuously, too.

Hierarchy of Competence during the Learning Process
During the process of learning a new skill, we will always go through the same 4 stages, regardless of our previous experience. Being knowledgeable about the process will help us master an activity.

Deliberate Practice
Repetition per se is not the answer. Repetition makes permanent, not perfect. While racking up hundreds of unstructured practice sessions will help you learn a few things about it, it will not necessarily put you on the path to high-level performance. A high-performance instruction program is based on deliberate practice, which is the idea that the quality of your training can be as important as the quantity of your training. The number of hours you have amassed is not as significant as what you did on those hours. While regular practice might include mindless repetitions, deliberate practice requires focused attention and is conducted with the specific goal of improving performance, under a purposeful and systematic approach. .
If you want to know more about the authors that have inspired me and that dominate these concepts, please click on this link.